
健康知识 2019-11-22 12:09:05 健康知识
[摘要]每个人大概一生中都会经历至少一次的失恋。失恋是痛苦的,每个人都有自己的方法来发泄这种痛。那么什么才是更健康快速的方法呢?How To Survive A Break UpEvery relations



How To Survive A Break Up

Every relationship has its own stories to tell. However, no matter how unique your love stories are, breaking up always hit you at the curb. Yes, it hurts. Regardless if you have been together for a decade, a year, or a month - each broken relationship is painful for anyone who is in love. Let this short article help you with some relationship advices on how to easily survive a break up.

Actually, break up survival tips are found anywhere from the bookstore or from the Internet itself. Each author or relationship counselor had their own tips and advices on how one that is totally broken at some point of his/her life can easily cope up with their break up scenarios. In fact, if you are willing to let go and move on, coping with your break up will not take you too long to recover yourself back.

Consider these tips and congratulate yourself after you totally survive a break up.

Cry It Out

There's no harm with crying. It doesn't mean that you are a coward for locking yourself in your room or for sobbing out with your friends because you are heartbroken.

Believe me, no matter how men are considered tough, they do cry when they are heartbroken.

Just like how a rainbow appears after the rain, allowing yourself to accept the fact that your relationship is over, crying will as well help you to easily let go to that heartbroken burden you are currently into and move on.

Get Yourself Out

Although locking yourself in your room at some point after your break up is good, deciding to go out after a few days of crying will easily help you to welcome a new phase in your life that wants you to stand up again and keep moving.

Night out with your buddies is a very helpful idea while it also allows you to meet new friends, new people, and open a new door for someone who is willing to stay. Who knows?

Enjoy Your Space

Believe me, it is NOT good to be friend with your EX after the break up. Well, you can, but not at the point after the painful break up scenario regardless if he/she the one who dumped you, or if you are the one who has done the dumping.

Space will easily help you both heal. Meaning, no calling, no emails, no Facebook or twitter check out. If you can, delete his/her contact, avoid sending emails, or delete him/her on your Facebook and twitter accounts to avoid from stressing out with whom is he/she talking or communicating in these social media sites.

Think What You Deserve

It's not just you who's been cheated, hurt, or maybe think that such relationship doesn't work out for you and your partner.

You can easily survive a break up if you know how to encourage yourself to stand up every time you fall. Always think what you truly deserve. If he dumped you or if things don't just work out well for both of you - then you know YOU deserve more than better.

Keep in mind that one of the best tips on how to survive a break up is learning how to love yourself more and believe that you deserve more than what your past relationship had given to you.

You might have lost someone whom you planned to live forever, but you will also surely meet someone who has better plans of living with you like how you always wanted. Remember, it takes two to tango. You can't stay in a relationship if the other side doesn't have the same ideas and plans like you do. Cheer up and learn from your every break up stories.


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