
英语单词 2019-11-30 12:12:34 英语单词
[摘要]Direction 23Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:1 descri


Direction 23

Study the following picture carefully and write an essay in which you should:
1. describe the picture;
2. interpret the meaning of the picture;
3. make your comments.
You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.




In the picture, a young man asks an old man, “What can be got without pains in this world?” The old man replies, “There is only one thing: poverty.”

Looking at the drawing, I think a lot. It tells us that we have to make strenuous efforts whenever we want to be successful in a particular field. How can a person achieve his ultimate goal without longtime practices and continuous attempts?

A good case in point is mountaineering. Nobody is born a good mountain climber, and one can only become a skilled one after countless injuries. The scenery at the mountaintop is fantastic, but the road to the summit is always rough and full of hardships and dangers. Isn’t scientific research the same? Countless sleepless nights, thousands of failures and even more—all of these are part of a scientist’s life. Only a few of them can make great scientific breakthroughs, and all of these people are the most persevering.

On the contrary, if a person is determined to live an idle life, and wait for God to put something in his hands, then that thing should and could only be poverty. If a person has neither ideal nor the determination to live better and let others live better, his existence is not meaningful at all.


文章第一段非常简洁。第二段的首句是过渡性的句子,次句直接对图画的意义做出总结——无论我们想在哪个领域获得成功,都必须付出艰辛的努力。接着采用了语气非常强烈的反问句——没有长时间的实践和不断的努力,一个人又怎能实现最终的目标?第三段包括了两个例子,一个是登山,一个是科学研究。第四段是结尾段落,首先与第三段是相对的,其次又呼应了文章的首段,非常精妙。该段共有两句话,第一句话说如果一个人下定决心要过闲散的生活,等着上天在他手中放上某样东西,那么这样东西就只能是贫穷。第二句话进一步说,如果一个人既没有理想也没有决心让自己和别人过得更好,那么他的存在就失去了意义。第二句话与第一句采用了同样的句式,语气却更加强烈,给人留下了很深刻的印象。该段第一句话中的should and could be...是一个高级用法,意思是“将会是而且只能是”。




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