
英语口语 2019-11-19 18:10:54 英语口语
[摘要]do you speak it as often as you can? that s the most important way and the best way to learn englis


do you speak it as often as you can? that' s the most important way and the best way to learn english, is by speaking it as often as you can. anytime you get a chance to speak english with others, that' s the best way. that is the most important thing is speaking it as much as you can.

the most important part is training your brain, trying to get your brain to think in english, and trying to say words in english. so, even if you are talking to someone that is not a good speaker, you are still, you're trying to understand them in english, and you're trying to talk in english. so it is helpful, it is good.

a good practice is if you have a favorite movie or tv show, and you watch like your favorite 10 minute part, 10 minute of it, and watch it so many times that you know what everyone is going to say, (yes) and then you should turn down the volume, and try to sound just like those people, try to imitate the people, (imitate), yes yes, do your best, that is a good way to reduce your accent, change your accent, because you were trying to sound just like the people in the movie, and if you do that often, when you say those words, you will say it that way without your accent. so, that's a good practice.





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