
英语口语 2019-11-21 22:09:36 英语口语
[摘要]1 Chandler: So, its a typical day at work Im inputting my numbers, and big Al calls me into his o


1. Chandler: So, it's a typical day at work. I'm inputting my numbers, and big Al calls me into his office and tells me he wants to make me processing supervisor.
Big AL: 老板

2. Phoebe: Where are you going, Mr. Suity-Man?
Chandler: Well, I have an appointment to see Dr. Robert Pillman, career counselor a-gogo. (pause) I added the "a-gogo."
Mr. Suity-Man:衣冠楚楚,人模人样的
"go-go," comes from "à go-go," which is "French, 'in a joyful manner,' from 'gogo,' probably reduplication of the first syllable of 'gogue,' merriment, from Old French" (Amer. Heritage Dict., 1969).
a gogo :一个很搞笑,很有趣的人或事

3. Joey: I'm telling you, that monkey is a chick magnet! She's going to take one look at his furry, cute little face and it'll seal the deal.
chick magnet: A man who attracts women the way a magnet attracts iron shavings. 象磁场一样吸引女人的人。

4. Joey: You're not going to believe this!
Chandler: It's OK. It's OK. I was always rooting for you two kids to get together.
root for sb. to do sth.: 赞成某人做某事

5. Play hardball :玩儿狠的,来狠的,来硬的,
Definition: to act aggressively and seriously, without sympathy for the other side
Examples of use:
The government promises to play hardball with companies who cheat in business.
In the past, it was okay for a renter to be late in payments – now the landlord is playing hardball, and evicting families after one late payment.

6. Phoebe: (excited) Wow! It's huge! It's so much bigger than the cubicle. Oh, this is a cube.
Cubicle: 这里指办公室一格一格的小办公空间

1.seal the deal这里该讲成“搞定”

2.blazed up a doobie;Smoked a joint;lit a bone;Weed;Hemp;Ganja;pot :都是“吸大麻”

3. he is stoned 吸毒以后兴奋


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