
英语翻译 2023-11-22 16:58:14 英语翻译





从80 年代小规模的试验性的①投资到近年来系统化的②投资,这一发展过程说明一个依法执法的稳定的中国增强了外国投资者的信心。《财富》杂志对在中国的外国投资者作了一次最新的调查,调查结果表明,始于1993年的跨国公司的大规模、系统化的投资到将登上一个新的高峰③。





So far, over 200 of Fortune’s top 500 companies have invested in China. By less than a 30-minute drive from the Village.

The Olympic Village will provide safe and comfortable facilities to help athletes achieve their peak performance during the Games. The Residential Quarter located in the western part of the Village consists of apartment buildings, dining halls, and other facilities. The International Quarter located in the eastern part of the Village will provide leisure facilities and cultural activities for athletes. After the Games, the Village will become a residential area.





【例】Frankly, ideas and goods will travel around the globe with or without our help.



处理长句是同传的基本功之一。翻译长句,除了断成译群外,还有一个关键要掌握,即英文句子之所以长是因为要避免重复使用同一个词,于是用 who、which、that 来代替主语或宾语,使得句子很长,而在中文中就不怕重复使用。

【例】That is the single monetary policy which will be discussed at the next European Union conference.

【译】那就是单一货币政策 // 该政策将在下一届欧盟会议上讨论。




【例】I would like to make one point clear before I move on to the next point.


【例】I would like to move on to the next part after I clarify one point.



☆ 名词转动词

【例】the development and application of new telecom service


【例】In China, the full opening up and the profound reform in the public services areas to the foreign encounter parts greatly give impetus to the development of the tertiary industry.

【译】可将此句译成:在中国, 全面开放和深化改革公共服务领域,并将其向国外同行开放,这会极大推动第三产业的发展。


clear evidence of 清楚地表明

give impetus to 有力地推动

an obvious violation of 显然违反了

☆ 被动转主动


【例】Arrangement must be made to guarantee the basic life necessities could be available to the people in the earthquake hit areas.

【译】 必须做出安排……

【译】China’s diplomatic practice is seriously guided by the five principles of mutual peaceful coexistence.






A new era is upon us. Call it what you will: the service economy, the information age, the knowledge society. It all translates to ① a fundamental change in the way we work. The percentage of people who earn their living by making things has fallen dramatically. Today the majority of jobs are in the service industry, and the number is on the rise.

More women are in the work force than ever before. There are more part- time jobs. More people are self-employed. Above all, the economic transformation is giving rise to② a radical~ new way of thinking about the nature of work itself. Long-held notions about jobs and careers, the skills needed to succeed, even the relation between individuals and employers——all these are being challenged.












① the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

② total asset

③loan balance


The latest analysis of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences shows that the introduction of foreign capital has produced a tremendous influence on Shanghai’s development and the livelihood of its citizens. It predicts that Shanghai will witness an upsurge in direct investment from the world’s major economic powers from . The rapid development over the past few years has made many believe that Shanghai is a sound port for international capital.

Statistics of the People’s Bank of China Shanghai Branch showed that, by the end of , the number of overseas financial institutions in Shanghai had reached 65, of which 54 were foreign banks. The total assets, savings deposits and loan balance of foreign banks in Shanghai account for more than half of the total of foreign banks in China. So far, 8 of the world’s top 50 banks have set up branches in Shanghai.






1. Only three customers remained in the bar.


2. I"ll be here for good this time.


3. Please keep the fire burning when I"m out.


4. “Wait, he is serious.”


5. “Now, Clara, be firm with the boy!”




The traveller in the south must often have remarked that peculiar air of refinement, that softness of voice and manner, which seems in many

cases to be a particular gift to the quotation and mulatto women.




“ …on one sunshiny morning in June , …”




When he might well have acted with boldness, he found himself filled with doubts, scruples and equivocations, in addition to the ordinary

fears of a lover.



原词 原译 改译

when 当……的时候 等到……的时候

act with boldness 大胆行动 放胆去追求

a lover 一个情人 一般堕入情网的人

ordinary fears 普通的害怕 种.种常有的提心吊胆的心理

in addition to 除了……之外 那就更是难免的了



“George, I"m ashamed of you! George, I couldn"t have believed you would have done it! I always knew you to be a rolling stone that gathered

no moss; but I never thought you would have taken away what little moss there was for Bagnet and the children to lie upon,” said Mrs. Bagnet.




It is quite useless to ask whether Vanderbilt was criminally prosecuted or civilly sued by the Government. Not only was he unmolested, but

two years later, he carried on another huge swindle upon the Government under peculiary heinous conditions.




A new dignity crept into his walk.





1. When he saw me, he was startled.


2. “When your gals takes on and cry, what"s the use of cracking on them over the head, and knocking on them round?”




1. “O, don"t mother! I should like the flowers; do give them to me; I want them!”

“Why, Eva, your room is full now.”



2. “Well, that"s odd!” said Marie. “What in the world do you want that for?”




His delegation agreed with the Executive Director/ that the fund should continue working/ for a better understanding of the interrelationship

between economic, social and demographic factors.


改译:他的代表团同意执行主任的意见,认为该基金会应继续努力, 以求更好地了解经济、社会和人口这三方面的相互关系。


The “standard of living” of a country means the average person" s② share of the goods and services which the country produces. A country’ s standard of living, therefore, depends first and foremost on its capacity to produce wealth. “Wealth” in this sense is not money, for we do not live on ② money but on things that money can buy: “goods” such as food and clothing, and “services” such as transport and entertainment.

A country"s capacity to produce wealth depends upon many factors, most of which have an effect on one another. Wealth depends to a great extent upon a country’s natural resources, such as coal, gold, and other minerals, water supply and so on. Some regions of the world are well supplied with coal and minerals, and have a fertile soil and a favorable climate; other regions possess none of them.








nine-year compulsory education


take the entrance exams for postgraduate schools 考研

extracurricular 课外的

extracurricular activities 课外活动

class discussion 课堂讨论

required / compulsory course 必修课

elective / optional course 选修课

basic course 基础课

specialized course 专业课

school schedule 课程表

seminar 研究小组;讨论会

teaching program; syllabus 教学大纲

period of schooling 学习年限

record of formal schooling 学历

school / academic year 学年

(school) term; semester 学期

credit 学分

academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering 两院院士

heuristic education 启发式教学

hot topic 热门话题

talents exchange 人才交流

competition for talented people 人才战

Business English Certificate (BEC)


academy of design 设计学院

institute of physical culture 体育学院

enrolment rate for children of school age


to confer a degree on / to sb. / for sth. (e.g. thesis) 授予某人学位

proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade 升学率

(state) stipend / subsidy / financial aid


a continuous academic project that involves postgraduate and doctoral study 硕博连读

Songjiang College Town 松江大学城

quality-oriented education 素质教育

cramming method of teaching 填鸭式教育

simultaneous interpretation 同声传译

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) 托福

block release 脱产进修

short-term training course 短训班

faculty, students and staff 师生员工

the faculty; teaching staff 教学人员



Part A: Translate the following passages from English into Chinese(two passages, each 25 points)

Passage 1 :

Can man be credited with choosing the right path when he knows only one?Can he be congratulated for his wise decision when only one judgment is possible? If he knows nothing of vice, is he to be praised for adhering to virtue?

Wisdom consists of the deliberate exercise of judgment; knowledge comes in the discrimination between those known alternatives. Weighing these alternatives is the way of maturity. Only then does man have the strength to follow his choice without wavering, since that choice is based firmly on knowledge rather than on an uncertain, dangerously shallow foundation of ignorance.

Passage 2 :

For many years the United States and other nations used gold and silver money. Paper money was used to stand for the holding of both silver and gold. The value of silver was limited to that of gold. Fifteen ounces of silver had the same value of one ounce of gold. These values didn’t change until after 1860 when mines in the west of the United States began to produce large amounts of silver. This extra amount of silver caused its price to fall. No longer would fifteen ounces of silver buy one ounce of gold. In 1871, Germany declared that it would no longer support its paper money with silver. Instead, it would use only gold. Other countries of Europe quickly did the same.

Part B: Translate the following passages from Chinese into English ( two passages, each 25 points )

Passage 1 :


Passage 2 : 中华考试网







【例】Frankly, ideas and goods will travel around the globe with or without our help.



处理长句是同传的基本功之一。翻译长句,除了断成译群外,还有一个关键要掌握,即英文句子之所以长是因为要避免重复使用同一个词,于是用 who、which、that 来代替主语或宾语,使得句子很长,而在中文中就不怕重复使用。

【例】That is the single monetary policy which will be discussed at the next European Union conference.

【译】那就是单一货币政策 // 该政策将在下一届欧盟会议上讨论。




【例】I would like to make one point clear before I move on to the next point.


【例】I would like to move on to the next part after I clarify one point.



☆ 名词转动词

【例】the development and application of new telecom service


【例】In China, the full opening up and the profound reform in the public services areas to the foreign encounter parts greatly give impetus to the development of the tertiary industry.

【译】可将此句译成:在中国, 全面开放和深化改革公共服务领域,并将其向国外同行开放,这会极大推动第三产业的发展。


clear evidence of 清楚地表明

give impetus to 有力地推动

an obvious violation of 显然违反了

☆ 被动转主动


【例】Arrangement must be made to guarantee the basic life necessities could be available to the people in the earthquake hit areas.

【译】 必须做出安排……

【译】China’s diplomatic practice is seriously guided by the five principles of mutual peaceful coexistence.






Climate Change: A Race We Must Win

We face a new era of climate crisis. July 2019 is the hottest month on record, and we are on track for to 2019 to be the five hottest years in human history. The level of CO2 in the atmosphere is at its highest point in human history; climate-related devastations strike more often than ever, with droughts, hurricanes, heatwaves and landslides regularly attacking our planet, bringing high tolls and casualties, causing huge economic loss to countries and to individuals, particularly affecting the most vulnerable in societies. The latest report of UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific shows that natural disasters in the region are currently responsible for economic losses of up to US$675 billion annually and affecting close to 150 million people.考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。

The clock is ticking. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we need to collectively ensure that global temperature rise does not go beyond 1.5 degrees. This means we must reduce emissions by 45 percent by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. Such goals might seem too ambitious, but climate change is not a standalone issue that can be ignored given the profound implications it has for all countries and all peoples, including the young generation who will be living with the ever-increasing consequences of global warmings.

Faced with this reality, it is impossible to ignore that human development can only flourish if the natural world flourishes. This is the premise of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals that have become more urgent looking forward to the next decade. How can we as the global community work together as one?

To boost ambition, reinforce strong political will and encourage concrete actions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, the UN Secretary-General António Guterres will host the 2019 Climate Action Summit on 23 September during the UN General Assembly. The Summit will bring together governments, the private sector, civil society, local authorities and other international organizations to develop ambitious solutions in six areas: a global transition to renewable energy; sustainable and resilient infrastructures and cities; sustainable agriculture and management of forests and oceans; resilience and adaptation to climate impacts; and alignment of public and private finance with a ‘net zero’ economy. The message is clear: we need concrete, realistic plans to enhance countries’ nationally determined contributions by , in line with reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 45 per cent over the next decade, and to achieve ‘net zero’ emissions by 2050.

As the second largest economy in the world, China has played a critical part in committing to the Paris Agreement and its leadership and commitment is crucial in achieving the goals. The country has made remarkable progress in developing its green economy, with more than US$125 billion dollars’ investment in renewable energy in . New renewable energy jobs in China now outnumber those created in the oil and gas industries. Under the 13th Five-Year Plan, China has already exceeded full three per cent of its target, to reduce energy intensity by 15 percent. The country is also the global leader in the adoption of electric buses, with an estimation of 18% of China’s total bus fleet being electrified according to research from Bloomberg New Energy Finance. This demonstrates a significant increase in the importance of non-fossil fuel from previous five-year plan targets. The benefits China has reaped from fostering its renewable energy sector and the green economy also offer a prime counter-example to the mistaken belief that economic vitality and growth is incompatible with efforts to combat climate change.

As the global challenge that does not respect national borders, climate change is an issue that requires solutions to be coordinated at the international level, with demand for all developed countries taking up greater responsibilities, and for developing countries moving toward low-carbon economy. In the meantime, as the world’s most populous country and one of the largest carbon emitters, China can play an even more vital role in tackling global climate change by maximizing its enormous potential for emission reduction and accelerating the current positive.

The UN is committed to working with the government of China, the private sector, NGOs, youth and other key stakeholders to support climate change reduction efforts in China, to raise awareness and build the next generation of climate leaders, as well as China’s growing support to other developing countries. Under initiatives such as the Belt and Road Initiative, UN and China can work closely together to make the best use of the investment in infrastructure to promote the transition from fossil fuel-intensive economy to green and low-carbon economy in developing countries and ensure the initiatives are in line with sustainable development goals. South-South Cooperation can also facilitate the exchanges of climate solutions – bringing China’s successful practices to developing world and customize the methodology to best serve the local context and needs. Considering the scale of China’s commitments, the potential impact these global engagements will have is unparalleled. Therefore, the UN is ready to continue its partnership with China to ensure that an agenda of environmental sustainability, of climate change mitigation and resilience is placed first and foremost at the head of China’s global development initiatives and investments.

Climate change is running faster than we are and we need to have a much more ambitious approach in what we do in order to defeat climate change – as this is a race that we can and must win.



时间一分一秒地过去。政府间气候变化专门委员会(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)的报告表明,我们需要共同确保全球气温上升不超过1.5摄氏度。这意味着我们必须在2030年前减少45%的排放量,并在2050年前实现碳中和。这些目标似乎过于雄心勃勃,但考虑到气候变化对所有国家和人民所产生的深远影响,全球变暖日益严重所产生的后果年轻一代将首当其冲,我们绝不能将气候变化孤立开来,不能小觑其可能产生的后果和影响。









Statement by Ambassador Zhang Jun at Security Council on Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty


22 August 2019


Madam President,


I have listened carefully to the briefing by USG Nakamitsu.

1987年美苏达成的《中导条约》是军控与裁军领域的重要条约。条约明确将加强战略稳定作为目标,有效缓解了美苏在欧洲的中导军备竞赛,有利于增进大国战略互信,缓和国际关系,推进核裁军进程。The Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) signed between the US and the USSR in 1987 is an important treaty on arms control and disarmament. Taking strengthening strategic stability as its objective, the treaty effectively mitigated the arms race on intermediate-range missiles between the US and USSR in Europe and helped to enhance strategic mutual trust between major powers, ease international relations and advance nuclear disarmament process.


Entering the new century, safeguarding the effectiveness of the INF treaty is of great practical significance not only to the United States and Russia but also to international and regional peace and security. The two countries should have properly handled differences over treaty compliance through dialogue and consultation to earnestly safeguard the effectiveness of the treaty. However, the unilateral withdrawal of the United States from the treaty led to the demise of the treaty, which will have a far-reaching negative impact on global strategic balance and stability, regional security in Europe and Asia as well as international arms control regime. The international community should be clear headed about this impact. On the INF issue, China has made clear its position on many occasions. It is unacceptable to use China as an excuse for leaving the treaty, and China rejects the baseless accusation by the United States.


Madam President,


The world today is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century. Peace, development and win-win cooperation remain the irreversible trends of the times, with forces for peace predominating over elements of war. At the same time, there are prominent destabilizing factors and uncertainties in international security. Multilateralism is the effective means to address common challenges. All countries should resolutely safeguard international order with international law and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter at its core, embrace a concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, fully respect the legitimate security concerns of all countries, work hard for a peaceful and stable international security environment and promote a community of a shared future for mankind.


The UN Charter entrusts the Security Council with the important responsibility of maintaining international peace and security. Council members should earnestly fulfill their responsibilities in this regard. All countries should refrain from taking actions that undermine the security interests of other countries. Prior to its official withdrawal from the INF treaty, the United States already announced its plan to accelerate the development and deployment of intermediate range missiles. And lately, it conducted a test launch of land-based cruise missile. China strongly urges the relevant country to take a highly responsible attitude, exercise restraint and earnestly preserve the existing arms control regime in an effort to safeguard global strategic balance and stability and international and regional peace and security. This is the shared message from the international community.


Withdrawal from the INF treaty is yet another act of unilateralism and escape from international obligations by the United States. It is aimed at relieving restrictions and seeking absolute military advantage. China pursues a national defense policy that is defensive nature. China’s land-based intermediate range missiles are all deployed within the Chinese territory. It is for defense purposes only and poses no threat to any country. China firmly opposes US deployment of land-based intermediate range missiles in the Asia-Pacific and urges the United States to be cool-headed and exercise restraint.


Madam President,


The international arms control and disarmament treaty system, as the cornerstone of global strategic balance and stability, bears on international peace and security. Nuclear Disarmament, as one of the three pillars of the NPT, constitutes an important part of global governance in the nuclear field. All countries should follow the principles of “maintaining global strategic stability” and “undiminished security for all” and advance disarmament process in a step-by-step manner. Countries with the largest nuclear arsenals have special and primary responsibility for nuclear disarmament. We support the political and diplomatic efforts made by Russia, support and encourage Russia and the United States to maintain dialogue on strategic security and bilateral nuclear disarmament issues, commit themselves to the extension of the New START Treaty, continue to make substantive reduction in their nuclear arsenals in a verifiable, irreversible and legally binding manner with a view to creating necessary conditions for advancing multilateral nuclear disarmament processes.


I must emphasize that for any arms control negotiation, it is imperative to fully consider the overall military capabilities of countries and follow the principle of “undiminished security for all”, a basic principle of international arms control. China has repeatedly stated its position on the so-called arms control negotiation with the United States and Russia. China has no interest and will not be part of it.


China unswervingly pursues a national defense policy that is defensive in nature. China’s nuclear strategy for self-defense is completely transparent and its nuclear policy is highly responsible. China’s nuclear arsenal is extremely limited in scale, and poses no threat to international peace and security. For decades, China has actively participated in arms control consultations and negotiations under multilateral mechanisms and frameworks including those of the United Nations and Conference on Disarmament. China opposes arms race and works to safeguard global strategic balance and stability. Moving forward, China will continue to firmly uphold multilateralism, actively participate in multilateral arms control processes to contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security.


Thank you, Madam President.




A former Government chief scientist once told me that we should always have a Plan B ready in case Plan A doesn’t work – or doesn’t happen. He was speaking in relation to the possibility of “geo-engineering” the climate if it becomes obvious that global warming is beginning to tip irrevocably towards a potentially dangerous state.

He could only say this once he was out of office of course because the official Government view at the time – as it is now – was that “there is no Plan B” in relation to climate change, that the only conceivable way of avoiding dangerous global temperature increases in the future is to curb the production of greenhouse gas emissions now.

Geo-engineering is defined as the deliberate, large-scale in order to limit undesirable climate change, but it is seen by many as a technical fix too far. At its most outlandish, geo-engineering envisages putting giant mirrors in space to deflect incoming solar radiation, but it also includes more benign interventions, such as solar powered “artificial trees” in the desert for soaking up carbon dioxide in the air.

Despite the official view of there being no Plan B, however, last week’s fifth report by the has placed geo-engineering firmly on the agenda – even if the scientific panel rather denigrates the idea as probably unworkable and potentially dangerous. Nevertheless, for some critics of geo-engineering the mere mention of the concept in such an official and high-profile publication is enough to see red.

Indeed, the Canadian-based ETC Group of environmentalists, perceived a Russian-led conspiracy to subvert the IPCC process. Russia had insisted on the addition of geo-engineering to the report and it is Russia where many geo-engineering projects are being tested, the ETC Group claims.

Before getting carried away with the inclusion for the first time of geo-engineering in an IPCC report, it is worth pointing out that the panel emphasises the inherent flaws of the proposals to counter rising temperatures. Deflecting sunlight with artificially created white clouds over the oceans, for instance, would do nothing to prevent the acidification of the oceans and, if it had to be stopped for any reason, global surface temperatures would soon rise again even higher than before.

In short, if we rely on a technical fix to , rather than addressing the root problem, we could become addicted to the illusion that all is well when, in fact, all that we are doing is delaying the inevitable, while increasing the risk of some serious unintended consequences, which history tells us are never far away from big engineering proposals of this kind.

Take for instance the relatively small-scale geo-engineering project to divert the rivers running into the Aral Sea of the former Soviet Union. Half a century ago the Aral Sea was the fourth largest lake in the world with a thriving commercial fishery, but by it had declined to about 10 per cent of its original size, with fishing boats stranded in the middle of a toxic salt pan.

Soviet scientists diverted water from two rivers running into the Aral Sea to irrigate fields of cotton and other crops. But in the end they created a barren, dusty landscape where once there was a sea filled with wildlife. Toxins and salt blown from the Aral’s parched basement even threatened the very crops that the project was meant to generate.

So when some people talk about the possibility of “fixing” the climate with technological interventions rather than cuts in carbon dioxide emissions, let’s not forget history. Perhaps HM Government is right: there is no Plan B.

Talking of carbon dioxide, I have just returned from an interesting visit to the Czech Republic where health tourism, rather than being frowned upon, is positively encouraged.

What has this got to do with carbon dioxide, you may ask? Well one of the more curious, if not bizarre “medical” treatments you can buy is a dip in a dry bath of carbon dioxide. For 20 minutes or so you bathe everything below your waist (fully clothed) in an atmosphere of “natural” carbon dioxide pumped from underground sources.

It is said by those who sell it to cure a range of conditions and even acts like a dose of Viagra. Strictly in the interests of science I volunteered. I intend to publish my findings in a peer-reviewed scientific journal – that is if I can find one prepared to overlook my limited set of data points.


1、What is geo-engineering? What are the possible international measures of geo-engineering?

2、What are the views of the critics of geo-engineering?

3、Why does the author introduce the small scale geo-engineering project?

从题目中可以看出,本文的中心词是geo-engineering,文章对geo-engineering还提出了相当的质疑,并提出可以实验小型 geo-engineering。从文章第三段开始,可以找到geo-engineering的定义。接着正好是各国可以采用的"手段和人们提出的质疑。文章后三段相熟了小型的geo-engineering。



1. 各类词汇,谙熟于心


新闻偏好词 ,如soar(猛增,上升),sway(控制),swoop(攻击)等。

外来词 ,如faux par(禁忌),per se(本质上),perrata(成比例的)等。

专业词 ,如jurisdiction(管辖权),IVF(试管婴儿),default(拖欠),reserve(储备)等。

熟词僻义 ,如marginal(毛利的,边缘的,非主流的,以少数超过的等)


2. 句法结构,分类击破


a.长句 ,这类句子在快速阅读中只需抓主干舍从属,其中的让步状语从句、同位语、定语从句、并列结构、分割插入结构等可以迅速掠过,整句理解不受个别难词影响。

b. 特殊结构句 ,It is too funny not to take it seriously.(这事情太滑稽了所以一定要认真对待。)这样的句子看似简单却常常使考生在匆忙中形成相反的解释。

c.俗语 ,这主要指一些对大陆考生来说较陌生的英语俚语,谚语,成语和一些约定俗成并无典籍可查的地道表达,需要我们在平时的训练中有效地积累。

3. 篇章结构,思路分明


4. 背景知识,举足轻重

高级口译考试中听力翻译部分对于背景知识的考察已经成为许多考生的致命弱点所在,阅读部分的理解效果更是建立在背景知识的撑托之上,3月高口Section 2第4篇涉及了一系列宗教背景的概念,如:


Blue laws(美国殖民地时期清教徒社团颁行的蓝色法规,禁止星期日饮酒及娱乐等世俗活动)




Fourth commandment (犹太教十戒之第四戒,规定人们一周必须工作六天,第七天即安息日可以休息)


5. 控制节奏,主次分明

我们都知道,任何一个论说型语篇都是由TS/ts (全文主题句,段落主题句以及相关的抽象句)和Subordination(各类支持性细节)构成的。试题也永远是围绕论点论据以及它们的相互关系展开的。然而在快速阅读中正常人类都很难做到面面俱到,这就要求我们抓大放小,张弛有度地读文章,在把握TS/ts的基础上掠过Subordination的具体内容,知道后者用来支持什么就可以。这种先慢后快的方式是绝对磨刀不误砍柴工的。

6. 跳读顺序,明智取舍


7. 分辨题型,有的放矢



8. 集中意志,避免神游




Real Risks to Peace and Stability in the South China Sea Come from Power Outside the Region


Ambassador Zhang Ming, Head of Chinese Mission to the EU Published a Signed Article on Euobserver


22 August

近期,个别域外大国罔顾南海局势持续向好的事实,就所谓南海“紧张局势”无端指责中国,欧盟高官也表达了关切。为了让欧洲读者更加全面认知南海问题,我愿意向广大朋友们讲讲南海的故事。考生如果怕自己错过考试成绩查询的话,可以 免费预约短信提醒,届时会以短信的方式提醒大家报名和考试时间。








Real Risks to Peace and Stability in the South China Sea Come from Power Outside the Region


Ambassador Zhang Ming, Head of Chinese Mission to the EU Published a Signed Article on Euobserver


22 August 2019

Recently, despite the continued improvement in the situation in the South China Sea, a major power outside the region has kept making unwarranted accusations against China over the so-called “tensions” in the South China Sea. Senior EU officials have expressed similar concerns. To help European readers get a full picture of the South China Sea issue, I wish to share with you the other side of the story.

As its name suggests, the “South China Sea” is to the south of the Chinese mainland. China was the first country to discover, name and develop the South China Sea islands. As early as in the 8th century, shortly after Europe entered the Middle Ages, China started administering the South China Sea. China has maintained close exchanges with the littoral states of the South China Sea and has enjoyed friendship with peoples of these countries from generation to generation. Before the 20th century, China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea islands had never been challenged.

After the end of World War II, China used naval ships provided by the United States and recovered the South China Sea islands illegally occupied by Japan. On the islands, the takeover ceremonies were held and troops started to be stationed. As part of the post-war international order, China’s sovereignty over the South China Sea islands has been widely recognized by the international community.

However, with the discovery of oil and gas resources in the South China Sea, some littoral states have sought to seize islands and reefs in the Nansha Islands, and made claims to maritime entitlements, leading to disputes in the South China Sea. That being said, China has been committed to settling the disputes through negotiation with the countries directly concerned, and focusing on practical maritime cooperation. Such efforts have contributed to the overall peace and stability in the South China Sea as well as development and prosperity of countries in this region.

We would deserve a more peaceful world, were it not for the instigation and trouble-making of some forces for their own agenda. The South China Sea is unfortunately no exception. A major power outside the region has deliberately hyped up the so-called “tensions” in the South China Sea and accused China of “militarizing” the region. The fact is that China has every legitimate right to deploy necessary defence facilities on its own territory. That major power, with the world’s most powerful military forces and hundreds of military bases across the world, has kept staging military exercises in the South China Sea and sent large warships there for the so-called “freedom of navigation” operations, trying to turn the South China Sea into an arena for major-power wrestling. This is THE source of tensions in the South China Sea.

That major power enjoys raising the South China Sea issue. Yet on some multilateral occasions, its representatives would take the exit immediately after finishing what they had to say, giving little heed to the call of the littoral countries for peace and stability in the South China Sea. It is fair to say that when it comes to the South China Sea issue, that major power cares about things totally different from those of China and ASEAN countries. Its real agenda is to muddy the waters and seek excuses to justify its military presence in the region, in order to uphold its hegemony in the Asia-Pacific and maritime supremacy the world over.

That major power always questions the “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea, but there is nothing to question at all. More than 60% of China’s foreign trade and energy supplies pass through the South China Sea, so China has a greater stake in the freedom of navigation than any other country. The reality is that more than 100,000 merchant ships pass through these waters every year and not a single vessel has ever run into any problem with the freedom of navigation. When a major power outside the region talk about the freedom of navigation, does it mean to have a license to do whatever it wants in other countries’ territorial waters? This might be the real question.

Littoral states share the commitment to maintaining peace and stability and promoting cooperation in the South China Sea. China would not allow its territorial sovereignty and regional security to be undermined, nor would it allow any major power outside the region to muddy the waters. It is our hope that countries outside the region could respect the wishes and choices of countries in the region and play a more constructive role. Any attempt to impose one’s own selfish agenda or blindly follow suit from the outside would only pose real risks to peace and stability in the South China Sea.



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