
英语翻译 2019-12-01 08:17:21 英语翻译
[摘要]长难句: and since these messages have an agenda—to lure us to open our wallets— they make


长难句: and since these messages have an agenda—to lure us to open our wallets— they make the very idea of happiness seem unreliable. “celebrate!” commanded the ads for the arthritis drug celebrex,before we found out it could increase the risk of heart attacks.




分析:在第一句中,these messages是指商业文化所传播的信息。第二句是复合句,主句倒装,正确的语序应该是the ads for the arthritis drug celebrex commanded “celebrate!”倒装的语序以及command的使用更加形象地传达了广告的强势,广告的信息以命令的方式传达给顾客,让他们没有思考的余地。

2、重点词汇: agenda意为“议程”,但在有时可以表示“不可告人的计划(阴谋)”。the government has promised to put on its agenda the development of the village.(政府许诺把这个村庄的开发提到议程上来。)some of the eighteenth-century pessimists harbored an agenda for cultural control.(在18世纪的悲观主义者中,有些人图谋控制文化。)


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